I’m not one for recipes anymore. What I’m writing are ideas on making plant-based foods. These ideas are just that—ideas to help you become more confident and creative with your cooking adventures.
They are not the definitive guide to plant-based cooking but a starting point from my perspective. I don’t use exact measurements or times—everything is vague. Making up things as you cook is one of the best things I ever adopted in my cooking. This forces you to use what you have and not worry about what you don’t have.
My ideas are simple and use everyday ingredients in most cases. You are encouraged to use alternatives. If I say kale and you have spinach or cabbage use them instead. Don’t like chilli—leave it out. I love using apple cider vinegar but you may only have lemons—go for it.
Play with the ingredients—discover new combinations. That’s the only way you’ll find the one you like. Own the food you make. That is the way you will become more confident in making food. Many things will become second nature—like flavour/texture combinations, quantities and cooking times. When you look at what you have in your basic pantry, ideas for what to make will become easy.
Want to have a conversation about the plant-based ideas contact me at hello + web address.